Productivity tips

Desku: Pricing, Reviews, and Alternatives

Desku: Pricing, Reviews, and Alternatives

What is Desku?

Desku is an AI customer support software designed specifically for Ecommerce and SaaS businesses. It offers a range of features, including AI-powered chatbots, automation utilities, and integrations with popular platforms like Shopify and Ecwid. In this article, we'll share the key facts you need to know about Desku, so you can decide if it's the right tool for your business.


Desku's Pricing

Desku offers a free trial with 2 agents, 10 articles, and unlimited products. The Start Up plan starts at $9 per month, while the Business plan begins at $29 per month. All plans include a knowledge base and varying levels of agent access and articles. Check out their pricing page for more details.

Reviews of Desku

Desku has received positive feedback for its time-saving optimization and ability to streamline customer support automation. They've also highlighted its user-friendly interface and positive impact on productivity. Based on 25 reviews, Desku has an overall rating of 5 out of 5 stars. Check out the Desku reviews on Product Hunt for more details.

Use cases for Desku

Here are the most notable use cases for Desku:

  • Ecommerce: Desku can help online retailers manage customer inquiries, process returns, and handle order-related issues efficiently.
  • SaaS: Software-as-a-Service companies can utilize Desku to provide timely assistance to users, address technical concerns, and improve overall customer satisfaction.
  • Collaboration: Teams can benefit from Desku's shared inbox feature, enabling seamless communication and collaboration among support agents.

For more information on Desku's capabilities, visit their website.

Alternatives to Desku

Here are three similar apps that offer similar functionality, that focus on customer support:

  • Custify: This AI customer support software offers personalized customer success management, helping businesses improve customer retention and reduce churn.
  • Yuma AI Ticket Assistant: Yuma streamlines customer support by automating ticket categorization, prioritization, and routing, ensuring faster response times and improved customer satisfaction.
  • Freshdesk: A popular customer support platform, Freshdesk provides AI-powered chatbots, automation tools, and a wide range of integrations to help businesses manage customer inquiries efficiently.

By exploring these alternatives, you can make an informed decision on the best AI customer support tool for your business needs.

Supercharge your productivity with Tome

Integrate Tome into your workflow to bring clarity and impact to your customer support strategies, particularly when using solutions like Desku. Tome allows you to create detailed presentations that outline your customer service workflows, highlight key achievements, and visually represent data on customer interactions and satisfaction.

This tool is ideal for Ecommerce and SaaS businesses aiming to showcase the effectiveness of their support systems, including the use of chatbots and automation, in a straightforward manner. With its user-friendly interface, Tome makes it easy to compile and share insights on how your support operations contribute to overall business success, ensuring your team and stakeholders are aligned and informed.

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