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FullEnrich: Pricing, Reviews, & Alternatives

FullEnrich: Pricing, Reviews, & Alternatives

What is FullEnrich?

FullEnrich is a B2B email and phone waterfall enrichment service that helps you find the emails and phone numbers of your prospects. By aggregating contact information from 15+ premium vendors, FullEnrich aims to provide more results than other services in the market. In this article, we'll share the key facts you need to know about FullEnrich, including its features, benefits, and use cases.

FullEnrich's Pricing

FullEnrich offers two monthly plans: the Starter plan at $29/month and the Pro plan at $55/month. Both plans include a free trial. While there isn't any mention of annual or free plans, they do provide custom pricing for scaleups and agencies, ranging from $400 to $50K/month. Check out their pricing page for more details.

Reviews of FullEnrich

Based on 32 user reviews, FullEnrich has received an overall rating of 4.9 out of 5. Users have praised the tool for its impressive enrichment rates, exceptional customer service, and the convenience of aggregating multiple data sources in one place. If you're interested in learning more about what users have to say, you can check out the FullEnrich reviews on Product Hunt.

Use cases for FullEnrich

FullEnrich offers a variety of use cases, including enriching contact information from spreadsheets, exporting data from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and reducing email bounce rates. Here are the details:

  • Enrich from Spreadsheet: Import your files directly into FullEnrich and watch as contact information is found in real-time.
  • Unlimited exports from LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Export full searches with leads and company details, then enrich your list with contact information. Note that a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account is required for this feature.
  • Triple email validation to drop bounce rate to 1%: FullEnrich uses three different verifications to detect high-confidence emails, ensuring better deliverability and reduced bounce rates.

Learn more about these use cases on the FullEnrich website.

Alternatives to FullEnrich

If you're looking for alternatives to FullEnrich, we've compiled a list of four apps that offer similar benefits:

  • Tome: As a generative storytelling tool, Tome offers unique benefits for professionals, such as AI template customization, company intelligence, and viewer analytics. Its ultra-fast editing and AI capabilities make it an ideal choice for sales and marketing professionals, as well as anyone looking to share ideas effectively.
  • Cold Email Generator: This tool helps users create personalized cold emails for sales prospecting, making it easier to reach out to potential clients and generate leads.
  • Email Subject Line Generator: Craft compelling subject lines for your emails to improve open rates and increase the chances of your message being read.
  • ChatGPT Plus: Enhance customer interactions with AI-powered chatbots that can handle a variety of tasks, from answering questions to providing personalized recommendations.

Explore these alternatives to find the best fit for your needs and enhance your sales and marketing efforts.

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