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Instantly: Pricing, Reviews, & Alternatives

Instantly: Pricing, Reviews, & Alternatives

What is Instantly?

Instantly is a cold email software designed to help businesses find, contact, and close their ideal clients. It offers features such as unlimited email accounts, deliverability network, sales engagement, B2B lead database, and AI-powered CRM. In this article, we'll share the key facts you need to know about Instantly, from its main purpose and features to how it works. So, let's dive into the world of automated email outreach and discover what Instantly has to offer.

Instantly's Pricing

Instantly offers monthly and annual plans, with pricing as follows: Growth at $37/month or $30/month annually, Hypergrowth at $97/month or $77.6/month annually, and Light Speed at $358/month or $286.3/month annually. While there's no explicit mention of a free plan, the Start for Free buttons suggest a possible free trial. Check out their pricing page for more details.

Reviews of Instantly

Users have shared positive feedback about Instantly, highlighting its ease of use, affordability, and extensive feature set. They particularly appreciate the platform's integration capabilities and the warmup feature that enhances email deliverability. Additionally, the customer support team has been praised for their responsiveness and helpfulness. Overall, Instantly has received an impressive rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. You can read more user reviews on G2.

Use cases for Instantly

Instantly can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including scaling outreach, improving email deliverability, and managing responses. Here are three specific use cases:

  • Effortlessly scale your outreach by connecting unlimited email accounts, allowing you to send thousands of emails daily without harming your sender reputation.
  • Ensure your emails reach prospects' inboxes with Instantly's extensive deliverability network, which helps avoid spam filters and enhances your sending reputation.
  • Streamline lead management and responses using Unibox, a feature that enables you to manage multiple inboxes, categorize leads, and promptly respond to book meetings and close deals.

For more information on these use cases and other features, visit

Alternatives to Instantly

While Instantly is a powerful tool for automated email outreach, there are other AI applications that can help you streamline your sales and marketing efforts. Here are four alternatives:

  • Tome: Offers AI template customization, company intelligence, and viewer analytics for crafting compelling presentations. Ideal for sales and marketing professionals looking to share ideas effectively.
  • Cold Email Generator: Simplifies the process of creating personalized cold emails for outreach campaigns, saving time and effort.
  • Email Subject Line Generator: Generates attention-grabbing subject lines to improve open rates and engagement with your target audience.
  • ChatGPT Plus: Enhances customer interactions by providing AI-powered chatbot capabilities for more efficient and personalized communication.

Explore these alternatives to find the best fit for your business needs and enhance your sales and marketing strategies.

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